"Professional development should be considered as a continuous process, from the initial modular training, to a period of working under supervision until such time as competence is demonstrated. Individuals shall maintain competence and acquire new competences through a process of Continuing Professional Development."

CPD Framework

ETPLAS has developed a EU wide CPD framework for the field of Laboratory Animal Science (LAS) to facilitate a harmonised approach to maintenance and further development of competence and knowledge as required by the EU Directive 2010/63 where persons are required to be ‘adequately educated, competent and continuously trained’.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a prerequisite for many professional medical and scientific disciplines but less common for those involved in laboratory animal work. Individuals maintain competence and acquire new competences through a process of continuing education. Therefore, professional development should be seen is as a continuous process, from the initial modular training to a period of working under supervision until such time as competence is demonstrated.


The Framework is a guideline for submitting all the relevant information to the competent authorities to obtain recognition of a CPD event whether it be a course or conference attendance. The target audience is those responsible for organising CPD activities. The competent authorities in Europe, as in any other country, are responsible for the application of the law. This includes the recognition of the training necessary to ensure quality work that reduces either the number of animals used in animal experiments or the burden on the animals used (Article 24 of the EU Directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes). In some countries a system of recognition of CPD is already in place in a form of hours or credit points system. Both systems are not always compatible. The Framework proposes a system which can be easily adapted to systems that are either based on hours spent on or credit points awarded to the CPD activity. 


ETPLAS CPD Framework was developed by an ETPLAS expert working group chaired by Ph. Bugnon with members S. Bischoff, Z. Heaven, A. Kerton, I. Tiebosch, and B. Ulfhake under The EU Preparatory Action grant programme, entitled: "Promoting alternatives to animal testing through accessible and harmonised education & training" [Grant nr.: 09.200200.A092004/2021/864077/SUB/ENV.B.2].

Recommendations for records of continuing professional development (CPD)