ETPLAS governance

ETPLAS is an equal opportunity non-profit organisation. ETPLAS governance is composed of a Stakeholders’ Board, an Executive Committee, and a Stakeholder Group


Members Representatives Body

The Members Representatives Body (MRB) ensures optimal governance and sustainability of ETPLAS. The MRB represents the three stakeholder groups on Education and Training in LAS, i.e. course providers, accrediting bodies and representatives of the competent authorities. The Executive Committee is also represented on the MRB. 

As of September 2024, the MRB is constituted of [16] stakeholders, [9] representatives of course providers, [2] accrediting bodies, [4] representatives of EU Members States in addition to the representatives of the Executive Committee.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC), appointed by the MRB, manages the day-to-day business of ETPLAS.

The EC is constituted of 5 members, the President, the President elect / Past President, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and the Communication Manager. Co-opted members, managing specific projects, report regularly to the Executive Committee.


Stakeholder Group

The Stakeholder Group contributes to the exchange of information and content of the ETPLAS platform. The Stakeholder Group represents a wide range of expertises contributing to projects and working groups. Anyone belonging to one of the three main stakeholder groups can be a member of the Stakeholder Group. 

Persons can register themselves by contacting us. Their registration details will be entered into a Register of Contacts which will be maintained by the Communication Manager. Any details provided to ETPLAS for the Register of Contacts (which will be maintained separately from any course information supplied for the purpose of publication under Courses and Programmes) will be held in confidence and will not be shared with any third party.


If you are interested in joining please contact us.