Directive 2010/63/EU

The welfare of the animals used in procedures is highly dependent on the quality and professional competence of the personnel supervising procedures, as well as of those performing procedures or supervising those taking care of the animals on a daily basis. Member States should ensure through authorisation or by other means that staff are adequately educated, trained and competent. Furthermore, it is important that staff are supervised until they have obtained and demonstrated the requisite competence. Non-binding guidelines at the level of the Union concerning educational requirements would, in the long run, promote the free movement of personnel [The European Directive (2010/63/EU), Recital 28]. 


The competence of personnel is defined in Article 23 as: 


1. Member States shall ensure that each breeder, supplier and user has sufficient staff on site. 


2. The staff shall be adequately educated and trained before they perform any of the following functions: 

(a) carrying out procedures on animals;
(b) designing procedures and projects;
(c) taking care of animals; or 
(d) killing animals.

Persons carrying out the functions referred to in point (b) shall have received instruction in a scientific discipline relevant to the work being undertaken and shall have species-specific knowledge.
Staff carrying out functions referred to in points (a), (c) or (d) shall be supervised in the performance of their tasks until they have demonstrated the requisite competence.
Member States shall ensure, through authorisation or by other means, that the requirements laid down in this paragraph are fulfilled.


3. Member States shall publish, on the basis of the elements set out in Annex V, minimum requirements with regard to education and training and the requirements for obtaining, maintaining and demonstrating requisite competence for the functions set out in paragraph 2.


4. Non-binding guidelines at the level of the Union on the requirements laid down in paragraph 2 may be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 56(2).

Education and Training Framework

The European Commission has published the Education and Training Framework intended as guidance to assist EU Member States and others affected by Directive 2010/63/EU to arrive at a common understanding of the provisions contained in the Directive and to facilitate implementation.

Directive 2010/63/EU
Education and Training Framework