
The fact of being officially recognised, accepted, or approved of, or the act of officially recognising, accepting, or approving. For example, a FELASA accredited course has been officially recognised as meeting all the requirements set by the competent authorities.


A person who judges the performance of someone else i.e. the trainee. 

CPD - Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development is the intentional maintenance and development of the knowledge and skills needed to perform in a professional context. This could mean honing current skills, it could mean developing them to a new level, or it could mean learning new ones that will allow an employee’s job role to expand. (Source:     

DOPS - Direct Observation of Procedural/ Practical Skills

Direct Observation of Procedural/ Practical Skills are a well-defined mechanism to measure the competence of an individual in a procedure or practical task. The individual’s performance is assessed against predetermined criteria for the task, using a checklist–type format. (Source:

Education and Training

Education is defined as the process of gaining knowledge, skill, and development from study or training (Source: Merriam-Webster dictionary). Training, on the other hand, is defined as the process of learning the skills one needs to do a particular job or activity (Cambridge English Dictionary).

EU Function

EU Functions A to D describe professional roles of people working with research animals:

  • EU Function A – carrying out procedures on animals
  • EU Function B – designing procedures and projects on animals
  • EU Function C – animal housing and care
  • EU Function D – animal euthanasia

(Source: EU directive 2010/63/EU, article 23)

EU Training Module

An EU training module is a segment of for example a course that focusses on a specific topic or objective.

The Modular Training structure and Learning Outcomes approach described in the EU Education & Training Framework (2018) is flexible. The learning outcomes deal with output rather than processes and help to define the skills and knowledge that module participants should be able to demonstrate by the time these learning outcomes are assessed.

LO - Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes are the specific intentions of a training programme or module, written in specific terms. They describe what a student should know, understand, or be able to do at the end of that module. (Source: EU E&T Framework, 2018)

Mutual acceptance

Agreement between stakeholders to accept a person’s training/competency records.

Mutual recognition

Agreement between stakeholders to recognise each other’s processes or programmes.

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

A Standard Operating Procedure is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by an organisation to help workers carry out routine operations.